Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are there other factors I should know to avoid prostate and other cancers?

Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower, also reduce the risk of cancer of the colon and rectum. They may also reduce the risk of breast cancer. These vegetables are fighting cancer because of the presence of indoles. Indoles activate enzymes that block cancer-causing substances. One substance that causes cancer is benzopyrene, which is commonly found in commercial products that have undergone a process of transformation. It is recommended to consume cruciferous at least once a week.

Eat fruit. Two servings per day compared with less than three times per week, reduced lung cancer by 74 percent. Tomatoes reduce the risk of prostate cancer as well as that of the pancreas.

Eat beans. They reduce the risk of cancers of the colon, prostate and pancreas. It has been shown that the soy cheese reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Get your diet enough selenium because it reduces by 75 percent the risk of prostate cancer. Brazil nuts contain a lot.

By not drinking alcohol, you reduce the risk of cancer of the esophagus, liver, rectum and possibly pancreatic and breast. Even moderate drinking (four drinks per week) increases the risk of breast cancer by 50 to 100 percent. It has been demonstrated that drinking coffee increases the risk of colon cancer and also in men, cancer of the bladder. Food highly salted or preserved in vinegar can help to increase the risk of certain gastrointestinal cancers.

There is no evidence, as some have suggested, proving that if the diet is devoid of oil, the sun will not cause skin cancer. The more linoleic acid in the diet (there are large quantities in corn oil and other polyunsaturated oils), the lower the risk of skin cancer. It should be noted that with or without oil in the diet, prolonged exposure to sunlight filtering without cream, can cause skin cancer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Prostate vitamins

Prostate Vitamins

The prostate is a walnut shaped gland found in almost all male mammals. In human beings, it forms a very important part of the male reproductive system as it is primarily responsible for the production of semen. It is situated just below the bladder, surrounding the urethra in a circular fashion. The prostate gland requires the male hormone “testosterone” for proper functioning and regulation.

With advancing age, testosterone production tends to decrease gradually; leading to the various problems associated with the prostate gland. Moreover, the prostate gland can be adversely affected by various factors like obesity, improper diet and pollution etc. The common problems associated with the prostate gland are detailed below.

1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia: BPH normally affects men older than fifty. It involves enlargement of the prostate gland making urination difficult and painful. In severe cases urination stops completely.
2. Prostatitis: Inflation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis. It varies in severity; with the more severe cases being treated with antibiotics.
3. Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. It is rarely diagnosed early as it is asymptomatic in the initial stages.

As the saying goes, preventing the above mentioned problems is much easier and safer then trying to cure them. According to experts, adequate intake of fluids, regular exercise and a wholesome vitamin rich diet are the sure-fire ways to maintain optimal prostate health.

Vitamins or vital amines are organic compounds which help the body in various ways, viz. convert food into energy, regulate the immune system, ensure bone strength etc. The specific prostate vitamins that help keep the prostate gland healthy are detailed below.

1. Vitamin E: Studies have shown that regular supplementation with vitamin E in its alpha tocopherol form, significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer. It is a major anti-oxidant which delays cell death due to toxicity and oxidation. Vitamin E naturally occurs mainly in vegetable oils, leafy vegetables like spinach and dairy products.
2. Vitamin C: It protects the prostate gland from microbial infections. Regular consumption of foods containing vitamin C goes a long way in preserving overall prostate health. Since vitamin C has diuretic properties, it helps ease urination in BPH patients. It mainly occurs in citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, animal livers and dairy products.
3. Vitamin K2: A recent Japanese study has shown that daily supplementation with vitamin K2 (menaquinone) cuts the risk of prostate cancer by 35%. Vitamin K2 is found in most dairy and meat products.

In conclusion, eating a balanced and healthy diet containing all the above mentioned vitamins on a regular basis is the most logical and convenient way to keep the prostate healthy.